Most people are familiar with Etsy for creative and unique gifts. But it is so much more than that. You can buy hard to find supplies, learn new techniques, purchase patterns in addition to locating that absolutely unique gift. Having started Homemade Creations in 1998 as a hobby project, the unique gift industry has taken off in recent years. Whether it is a one of a kind gift idea or home decor, more people are flocking to Etsy to make those purchases, especially during the pandemic with stores limiting in person traffic and shipments arriving late or not at all.
Shopping local or small helps to support folks like me who are using this as a stress relieving coping mechanism while spreading joy to others with the items created.

While I spend a lot of time working with beads, wire, glass and glue, I do find time for other creative pursuits such as cross stitch (still carrying the tree design throughout).

In addition to the glass based tree of life sculptures, the window suncatchers with suction cup are also a top seller. All the designs are available in a variety of color combinations and can be customized based on your need of colors.

Feel free to swing by the shop as new items are added nearly weekly now as the pandemic rages on.
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